About Us
TJ Enterprises produces and processes Pacific Red Hot Peppers. Our business is located on Rota, an Island in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Pacific Red Hot Peppers is the vision of husband and wife, Francisco and Ofelia Atalig, entrepreneurs who founded the company TJ Enterprises back in 1989.
Our hot chili pepper paste is made with Thai hot chili peppers, salt, and garlic. The hot peppers are harvested when they reach their rich, red color. We purchase the hot peppers from local farmers from the island of Rota.
Our main goal is to satisfy the taste of the local people in and around the Mariana Islands. We are striving to increase our production and expand our market throughout the US Mainland, especially in the supermarkets and grocers.
After several laboratory tests to increase the shelf life of our products, we perfected the mixtures to export our product not only to our neighboring islands, but also the mainland USA, Japan, and other International markets through mail orders.
We have been humbled by the response that we get from our customers, including chefs who use them in their restaurants, and by ordinary people who tell us things like, “The only thing that makes us happy is your ground hot peppers.”
We hope that our Pacific Red Hot Peppers adds a little extra spice to your life, just as it has done for the Marianas and our customers all over the world.